Thursday, August 5, 2010

Special Capital Region

Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Raya) is the capital city of Indonesia. Jakarta is the only city in Indonesia which has the status of provincial level. Jakarta is located in the northwest part of Java Island. Formerly known by the name of Sunda Kelapa (before 1527), Jayakarta (1527-1619), Batavia, Batavia, or Jacatra (1619-1942), and Djakarta (1942-1972).

Jakarta has an area of approximately 661.52 km ² (ocean: 6977.5 km ²), with a total population of 7,552,444 inhabitants (2007). Jakarta metropolitan area (Greater) with a population of approximately 23 million inhabitants, is the largest metropolitan area in Indonesia or a sixth of the world. Now that the greater Jakarta area have been integrated with the Greater Bandung area, where population-Bandung Raya megapolitan Greater number around 30 million inhabitants, which puts this region in the world's second sequence, after megapolitan Tokyo.

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